Module 7 – Digital placemaking

This module embraced the fact that, while placemaking generally advocates for face-to-face interactions, digital technology is here and has changed the way we relate to the world and to each other. As such, it looks as placemaking opportunities that have used digital technology and way to share stories, collect data about the place, and a research source. Its purpose is to understand the power and limitation of online place data and digital placemaking technology and installations.

It begins by providing guidelines and case studies to showcase different ways of using digital technology. Then, it invites the student to compare and contrast the type of data that is readily available (IE. Demographic information as well as place-specific data) with data that might need to be collected through more targeted smaller areas. Then it encourages the students to propose ways to incorporate digital technology into their case study analysis or conceptual design (overarching assessment).

Objectives of the Module

– To look at the opportunities of digital technology supporting placemaking through activation and engagement
– To look through the readings at case studies and what worked and what did not
– To look at digital data collection tools and outcomes to support placemaking decision making

Key resources

The materials below are intended to support academics in embracing the materials created to teach the fundamentals of people in place. These should form a basis for you own subject, we suggest customising it with your own case studies and materials. Placemaking is context specific so inserting case studies, images and information from your area will make the content come to life.

Activities conducted by the consortium as part of this project are funded by The Myer Foundation.

The Myer Foundation